Costs: 10 CHF, booking required
Create the collaborative work Soundsurium with artists Felix Fisgus and Wolfgang Kowar - inspired by Tinguely's wit and mechanics! Explore with us how to create sounds by using simple mechanics, everyday objects, and bits and bobs. In the end, there will be a whole machine full of them and it will stand in the museum for you to try out! Therefore: enjoying handicrafts is a must, technical skills are a plus, experimenting is highly sought after, failure is allowed.
Age: 11-99 years (accompanied by an adult from 9 years)
Workshops à 3h each, max. 10 persons per workshop (dates can be booked individually):
- Friday, 17.3.2023, 10am-1pm
- Friday, 17.3.2023, 2-5 p.m.
- Saturday, 18.3.2023, 1-4 p.m.
- Sunday, 19.3.2023, 10 am - 1 pm
- Sunday, 19.3.2023, 2-5 p.m.
Costs: 10 CHF
Bring along: Work clothes, bits and pieces of discarded toys, old kitchen utensils, small scrap metal, etc.
>> booking