8.1. – 13.1.2019
Audio Expedition
Explore the sound worlds of Museum Tinguely and make a sound piece.
What does Museum Tinguely sound like? In this workshop with guided audio expeditions through the museum and its surroundings, participants can find out: with open ears, and equipped with microphones and audio recorders, they track down interesting sounds and try to capture them. This found material is then assembled into short audio collages. Those who wish to can take part in this editing process.
Florian Hohnhorst is a freelance radio play maker in Basel and Berlin. For the audio expeditions, he will cooperate with “Zuhören Schweiz”, an association with whom he also realized the feature “Der Klang vom St. Johann” (The Sound of St. John) in Basel that was invited to the sonOhr Festival in Bern in 2017 and that won an award at the Leipziger Hörspielsommer.
Anyone can take part – places are limited but there is no need to register.
11:15 am, and 3:15 pm Audio Expedition, ca. 45 min
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